%% Sequence diagram code sequenceDiagram Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?
%% Sequence diagram code flowchart TD id1(Barplots:<br />Indiviual Samples)-->id2(Configure:<br />Linux Terminal); id2-->id3(Look:<br />assigned dataset); id3-->id4(Quality Control:<br />Aapter Removal, Filtering); id4-->id5(Not shown:<br />Human read removal); id5-->id6(Metagenomics<br />Analysis); id6-->id7(Identify:<br />Abundant Species); id7-->id8(Barplot:<br />All Samples); id8-->id9(Lookup:<br />Abund. Spp.<br />Resistance Loci); id9-->id10(Principal<br />Component<br />Analysis); style id1 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id2 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id3 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id4 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id5 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id6 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id7 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id8 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id9 fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id10 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px;
print("I'm the result!")

I'm the result!

%% Sequence diagram code flowchart LR id1(Barplots:<br />Indiviual Samples)-->id2(Configure:<br />Linux Terminal); id2-->id3(Look:<br />assigned dataset); id3-->id4(Quality Control:<br />Aapter Removal, Filtering); id4-->id5(Not shown:<br />Human read removal); id5-->id6(Metagenomics<br />Analysis); id6-->id7(Identify:<br />Abundant Species); id7-->id8(Barplot:<br />All Samples); id8-->id9(Lookup:<br />Abund. Spp.<br />Resistance Loci); id9-->id10(Principal<br />Component<br />Analysis); style id1 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id2 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id3 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id4 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id5 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id6 fill:#ddd, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id7 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id8 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id9 fill:#FFFFFF, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px; style id10 fill:#7be, stroke:#524,stroke-width:4px;