VTP Offerings for University Labs & Research Centers
Our weeklong Virtual Training Projects (VTPs) in advanced bioinformatics and data science techniques are tailored to meet the training needs of academic researchers. Choose the VTP option that works best for you or your organization:
Option 1: Enroll in any of our Current VTPs
Option 2: Let us custom-build a VTP based on your needs
Past Enrollment
Staff Research Scientists from
Industry and Academia
Postdoctoral Fellows and
Advanced Trainees
PhD or Master's
Staff Scientist, Biotech Company
The Single-cell Transcriptomics + Lung Cell Characterization VTP was a great way to get an exposure to this analysis. scRNA-seq analysis is an involved, multistep process, but MILRD’s program provided a ton of support and I came away from the project with a strong initial foundation. Participants learn the rationale, inputs and outputs of each computational step, and experiment-specific considerations that go into designing, executing and analyzing single-cell transcriptomics projects. I left feeling like I have a strong foundation in scRNA-seq that I can build off of. I had a great experience with MILRD’s VTP program.
Neuroscience PhD Student

I enrolled in the Single-cell Transcriptomics + Habenula Neuron Characterization VTP to learn about scRNA-seq analysis with the intention of applying it to my own research to characterize olfactory neurons in mosquitoes.
The project was super edifying: I learned a lot about the principals—and nuance—of scRNA-seq analysis and its applications to cellular neurobiology. This VTP was really critical in better understanding the insights that scRNAseq can offer, and in evaluating it’s strengths and weaknesses in strategizing how to best use it in my PhD project.
I also found the VTP workload/schedule to be accomplishable/flexible, which was important given my time-commitments as a graduate student.
Postdoctoral Fellow

I found the program and its structure to be interesting and useful. I had not had experience with bioinformatics of any kind, but the mentors guided me through the analyses and had interesting information about metagenomics.
The part I liked best was how they patiently answered my many questions along the way. It was a good primer to start learning about bioinformatics and linux terminal.
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

I enrolled myself and three of my lab members in the metagenomics VTP. We all loved the project and program!
Based on the experience, I included Milrd as a collaborator in a recent grant submission to virtualize multiple projects from the submission. I’m excited for students to learn about our work and to help trainees reproduce our analyses and apply the methods to their own research.
PhD Student

I took the metagenomics VTP, and liked it so much I referred a friend and served as an assistant mentor. The program gave me a clear review of metagenomic data analysis pipelines and Command Line basics, which I can apply to my dissertation research in the years to come.
Milrd staff gave me personalized assistance throughout the process, and in just a week’s time I felt competent in the VTP subject matter. I would highly recommend Milrd’s metagenomics VTP to any participant who needs quick and efficient hands-on training in genomics or related fields.
Postdoctoral Fellow
NRSA T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow

After attending several workshops on metagenomic analysis, I felt like my needs weren’t completely met…that I still didn’t grasp the process of analyzing such a large dataset. This virtual training project has exposed me to new software and pipelines that I can’t wait to implement in my own research!
I also enjoyed the program’s structure—it was flexible and convenient—and am excited to enroll in other projects to learn new methods.
Computational Biologist

Postdoctoral Associate

I have been working with single-cell data from mouse models. I enrolled in the Single-cell Transcriptomics + Lung Characterization VTP to clarify some of my questions regarding the analysis of scRNA-seq data and to better understand tools like Seurat to implement in my work…
…MILRD’s platform allowed clarification of specific tools and filtering steps to use in my future projects. I also enjoyed connecting with other participants across various experience levels.
Between the cloud-hosted platform, easy-to-follow scripts, and mentorship support, MILRD provided great resources in this VTP. I have recommended other people to the program and even offered to Assistant Mentor in future cohorts
Postdoctoral Fellow

I enrolled in the Single-cell Transcriptomics + Habenula Neuron Characterization VTP to learn about scRNA-seq analysis, with an eye toward pursuing it in my own research. I had no previous expertise in this area, and the experience was great.
I have already found it helpful for interpreting results in papers utilizing scRNA-seq data. I’m still determining whether I’ll be using it in my own work, but the VTP provided a good introduction to scRNA-seq concepts and analysis techniques—and I feel confident that I would know how to start exploring my own scRNA-seq data.
I also really liked the flexibility of MILRD’s VTP Program. It was the right mix of videoconference chat and asynchronous feedback/collaboration, and I comfortably completed the project as a full-time post-doc (and mom of a 1-year-old).
Community Development Intern

I was eager to complete the Economics + Social Mobility Analysis VTP—an opportunity I was provided via the Dallas Fed—because I’m starting my Master’s in Economics and want exposure to computational and analytical techniques in the field. I also hope to apply programming skills I learned from this project in R to my work at the Fed, where I am continuing to work while pursuing my studies.
It was a short but sweet project that taught me more about cleaning data in R and drawing statistical inferences from them. It was a fun week and a very interactive project overall. I particularly enjoyed interacting with staff from Opportunity Insights to learn more about how they use the Opportunity Atlas data to discuss attributes of a locale with its elected officials. Not only did this course teach me about data science, but it also taught me more about economic mobility across different areas of the country.
Research Analyst

I took the Economics + Social Mobility Analysis VTP and really enjoyed the project. I was familiar with Raj Chetty’s work research and was interested to learn more about his research and the experimental methods employed. In addition, I was excited to work in RStudio. I have experience in SAS, STATA and EViews but not R.
In particular, I really appreciated the exposure to R. It was set up in a way that allowed folks with little-to-no experience with the programming language to participate and excel.
I found that even with my experience, this project was still a challenge. The size of the data set allowed for a lot of exploration and experimentation. MILRD did a great job curating the project for each educational level.
Contact us to learn more about our VTP offerings for University Labs and Research Centers.